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The Challenge
Hot sylvinite leach at 114°C/237°F
The highly concentrated brine and temperature of the hot leach cycle: up to 114°C/237°F at the Dead Sea created a highly corrosive environment, which reduced the life of the original pipes dramatically. Working conditions were so extreme that lifespan of the previous steel piping was only 8-12 months.

Working Conditions
Extremely high corrosive liquid, high working temperature, and mild conditions
Transportation of high temperature KCL+NaCl brine
Pexgol Pipes Used
Pexgol Ø225, Ø280 mm
Straight sections of a few meters; 40 meters in total
The Solution
The installation of a Pexgol pipe that has been in use at this potassium process plant for over 20 years without any failures or need to be replaced. The pipe’s high resistance to abrasion, corrosion and high temperature resistance drastically reduced the changeover in the piping system and have proven to be the best solution for this client.